3 Empowering Ways To Monitor Your Work Opportunities

3 Empowering Ways To Monitor Your Work Opportunities

Many of us work for the basic necessities of life. This process is much more enjoyable when you feel like you have made an impact in your life – work and personal. Below is a consideration of how being present within your current job situation helps you manage your work-life better:

You. Perform well at your current job. As time allows, request job duties that will add to your knowledge about your employer. Maintain a relationship with a sponsor who will keep you accountable for your professional development goals and advocate on your behalf.

Your Employer. Develop a good relationship with your supervisor. Determine if sharing your ideas about company improvement will move you closer to your goals. Pay attention and ask thoughtful, appropriate questions at any “State of the Company” events.

The Economy. Review the monthly report, Employment Situation Summary, from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Pay close attention to fluctuation in jobs within various industries. Could those fluctuations be a red flag or opportunity? The key here is to be aware of the national (and local) job market.

The job market changes often. Two best practices are to be open to change and to continue to work towards your goals. Most importantly, never give up on being your best self. Best wishes!

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