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One adage declares that "the only constant is change (Heraclitus)." Education is a treasure that helps cities grow and benefit from innovation. People with goals, dreams, and capital (human, social and financial) often transform cities for the greater good. Take note of the following tools many game-changers use to reach milestones and help cities grow:
  • Self-development. Game-changers acquire technical knowledge and skills that are current. Many of them are self-starters who are not discouraged by challenges.
  • Participate. Game-changers are present in their careers. In addition, they are cheerleaders of other people's accomplishments. With the knowledge of and involvement in aspects of other people's journeys, game-changers share in progress.
  • Resourcefulness. Game-changers are adept at maneuvering within a business and social institution. They get to know people like decision-makers.
  • WIN. Game-changers are proficient at self-awareness and listening. They use will, initiative and novelty to get things done.
Take note of the following action items: Be Ready, Use Critical Thinking and Provide Solutions. People drive city activity. We can change the game in our cities. Therefore, be stewards of progress. Pierce, CPA & Advisors’ website, social media posts and blogs are meant to be used as informational guides and should not be construed as providing any health, legal, business or accounting advice. A best practice is to consult with professionals like government officials, healthcare experts, Certified Public Accountants, Certified Bookkeepers, attorneys, etc., about your situation. Contact Pierce, CPA & Advisors at (205) 370-4508 and/or

Do you feel like “the hardest thing to understand in the world is the income tax (Albert Einstein)?” Yes, federal and state income tax laws are complex. Taxation in the United States of America (and internationally) is ever-changing. As you pursue meeting your tax obligations,...

The upcoming tax season is rapidly approaching. Despite the shifts in Washington D.C. (and possible updates to the Internal Revenue Code), managing your tax records throughout the year is a best practice. Consider the below action items as you deal effectively with your tax records: ...

Collect. Organize. Preserve. Evaluate. Records are a by-product of your business activity. Undeniably, the accounting of business activities takes time and willpower. You may feel overwhelmed by the requirements of your regulatory agencies. Keep in mind that knowing how you have contributed to the economy...

Pierce, CPA & Advisors "Making Your Tax Experience Happy"